.. _installation: ============ Installation ============ Xorbits can be installed via pip from `PyPI `__. :: pip install xorbits .. _install.version: Python version support ---------------------- Officially Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11. Dependencies ------------ ================================================================ ========================== Package Minimum supported version ================================================================ ========================== `NumPy `__ 1.20.3 `pandas `__ 1.0.0 `scipy `__ 1.0.0 `scikit-learn `__ 0.20 cloudpickle 1.5.0 pyyaml 5.1 psutil 5.9.0 tornado 6.0 sqlalchemy 1.2.0 defusedxml 0.5.0 tqdm 4.1.0 uvloop (for systems other than win32) 0.14.0 ================================================================ ========================== Recommended dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recommended dependencies can be installed conveniently using pip. :: pip install 'xorbits[extra]' The following extra dependencies will be installed. .. _install.optional_dependencies: * `numexpr `__: for accelerating certain numerical operations. ``numexpr`` uses multiple cores as well as smart chunking and caching to achieve large speedups. If installed, must be Version 2.6.4 or higher. * `pillow `__: the Python Imaging Library. If installed, must be Version 7.0.0 or higher. * `pyarrow `__: python API for Arrow C++ libraries. If installed, must be Version 5.0.0 or higher. * `lz4 `__: python bindings for the LZ4 compression library. If installed, must be Version 1.0.0 or higher. * `fsspec `__: for cloud data accessing. If installed, must be Version 2022.7.1 or higher and cannot be Version 2022.8.0. .. note:: You are highly encouraged to install these libraries, as they provide speed improvements, especially when working with large data sets.