Cloud deployment#


Currently, we support deploying Xorbits on an existing Amazon EKS cluster.

Install Xorbits on the machine for Amazon EKS cluster management. Refer to installation document.

Amazon EKS#

Firstly, make sure your EKS cluster can access our Dockerhub to pull the Xorbits image.

Secondly, install the AWS Load Balancer Controller.

Then, deploy Xorbits cluster, for example:

from kubernetes import config
from xorbits.deploy.kubernetes import new_cluster
cluster = new_cluster(config.new_client_from_config(), worker_cpu=1, worker_mem='4g')

Note that the option cluster_type of the function new_cluster has default value auto, which means that Xorbits will detect the kubectl context automatically. Please make sure kubectl is using the correct EKS context.

You should be able to see Xorbits endpoint http://<ingress_service_ip>:80 is ready! soon, and you can access the web UI of your Xorbits cluster using the endpoint.

Refer Kubernetes deployment to deploy Xorbits with your own image.

Refer Install Python Packages to install additional python packages for the Xorbits supervisors and workers.

new_cluster api refers to xorbits.deploy.kubernetes.client.new_cluster().

To verify the cluster:

import xorbits.numpy as np
a = np.ones((100, 100), chunk_size=30) * 2 * 1 + 1
b = np.ones((100, 100), chunk_size=20) * 2 * 1 + 1
c = (a * b * 2 + 1).sum()

External Storage#

Great news! Xorbits starts to support separation of storage and compute. Start to enjoy better scalability, flexibility, and performance it brings. Check out the last section JuiceFS on Kubernetes on the page Kubernetes Deployment.