xorbits._mars.tensor.indexing.fill_diagonal 源代码

# Copyright 2022-2023 XProbe Inc.
# derived from copyright 1999-2021 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import numpy as np

from ... import opcodes as OperandDef
from ...core import ENTITY_TYPE, recursive_tile
from ...serialization.serializables import AnyField, BoolField, Int32Field, KeyField
from ...utils import ceildiv, has_unknown_shape
from ..array_utils import as_same_device, device
from ..core import TENSOR_TYPE, Tensor
from ..datasource import tensor as astensor
from ..operands import TensorOperand, TensorOperandMixin
from ..utils import decide_unify_split

class TensorFillDiagonal(TensorOperand, TensorOperandMixin):
    _op_type_ = OperandDef.FILL_DIAGONAL

    _input = KeyField("input")
    _val = AnyField("val")
    _wrap = BoolField("wrap")
    # used for chunk
    _k = Int32Field("k")

    def __init__(self, val=None, wrap=None, k=None, **kw):
        super().__init__(_val=val, _wrap=wrap, _k=k, **kw)

    def input(self):
        return self._input

    def val(self):
        return self._val

    def wrap(self):
        return self._wrap

    def k(self):
        return self._k

    def _set_inputs(self, inputs):
        self._input = self._inputs[0]
        if len(self._inputs) == 2:
            self._val = self._inputs[1]

    def __call__(self, a, val=None):
        inputs = [a]
        if val is not None:
        return self.new_tensor(inputs, shape=a.shape, order=a.order)

    def _process_val(val, a, wrap):
        given the `val`, `a`, `wrap` which are the arguments in `fill_diagonal`,
        do some preprocess on `val` includes:

        1. calculate the length to fill on diagonal, 2-d and n-d(n > 2)
           as well as that `wrap` is True and `a` is a tall matrix need to be considered.
        2. if val is a Tensor, rechunk it into one chunk.

        from ..base import tile
        from ..datasource import diag

        is_val_tensor = isinstance(val, TENSOR_TYPE)

        if a.ndim == 2:
            if wrap and TensorFillDiagonal._is_tall(a):
                size = sum(
                    for sub in TensorFillDiagonal._split_tall_matrix(a)
                size = diag(a).shape[0]
            # every dimension has same shape
            size = a.shape[0]

        repeat_method = tile if is_val_tensor else np.tile
        val_size = val.size
        if val_size < size:
            n = ceildiv(size, val_size)
            val = repeat_method(val, n)[:size]
        elif val_size > size:
            val = val[:size]

        if is_val_tensor and val.ndim > 0:
            val = yield from recursive_tile(val)
            val = val.rechunk({0: val.size})

        return (yield from recursive_tile(val)) if is_val_tensor else val

    def _gen_val(val, diag_idx, cum_sizes):
        Given a tensor-level `val`, calculate the chunk-level `val`.
        Consider both the cases that `val` could be a tensor or ndarray.

        :param val: tensor-level `val`
        :diag_idx: chunk index on the diagonal direction
        :cum_sizes: accumulative chunk sizes on the diagonal direction
        from .slice import TensorSlice

        if val.ndim == 0:
            if isinstance(val, TENSOR_TYPE):
                return val.chunks[0]
                return val

        if isinstance(val, TENSOR_TYPE):
            start, stop = cum_sizes[diag_idx], cum_sizes[diag_idx + 1]
            slc = slice(start, stop)
            slc_op = TensorSlice(slices=[slc], dtype=val.dtype)
            return slc_op.new_chunk(
                shape=(stop - start,),
            return val[cum_sizes[diag_idx] : cum_sizes[diag_idx + 1]]

    def _tile_2d(cls, op, val):
        from ..datasource import diag

        d = yield from recursive_tile(diag(op.input))
        index_to_diag_chunk = {c.inputs[0].index: c for c in d.chunks}
        cum_sizes = [0] + np.cumsum(d.nsplits[0]).tolist()

        out_chunks = []
        for chunk in op.input.chunks:
            if chunk.index not in index_to_diag_chunk:
                diag_chunk = index_to_diag_chunk[chunk.index]
                diag_idx = diag_chunk.index[0]
                input_chunks = [chunk]
                chunk_val = cls._gen_val(val, diag_idx, cum_sizes)
                if len(op.inputs) == 2:
                chunk_op = op.copy().reset_key()
                chunk_op._wrap = False
                chunk_op._k = diag_chunk.op.k
                chunk_op._val = chunk_val
                out_chunk = chunk_op.new_chunk(

        out = op.outputs[0]
        new_op = op.copy()
        return new_op.new_tensors(

    def _tile_nd(cls, op, val):
        # if more than 3d, we will rechunk the tensor into square chunk
        # on the diagonal direction
        in_tensor = op.input
        nsplits = [tuple(np.array(split)) for split in in_tensor.nsplits]
        if len(set(nsplits)) != 1:
            # need rechunk
            nsplit = decide_unify_split(*in_tensor.nsplits)
            in_tensor = yield from recursive_tile(
                in_tensor.rechunk(tuple(nsplit for _ in range(in_tensor.ndim)))
        cum_sizes = [0] + np.cumsum(in_tensor.nsplits[0]).tolist()

        out_chunks = []
        for chunk in in_tensor.chunks:
            if len(set(chunk.index)) == 1:
                # chunk on the diagonal direction
                chunk_op = op.copy().reset_key()
                chunk_op._k = 0
                chunk_inputs = [chunk]
                chunk_val = cls._gen_val(val, chunk.index[0], cum_sizes)
                if len(op.inputs) == 2:
                chunk_op._val = chunk_val
                out_chunk = chunk_op.new_chunk(

        out = op.outputs[0]
        new_op = op.copy()
        return new_op.new_tensors(

    def _tile_one_chunk(cls, op, val):
        out = op.outputs[0]
        chunk_op = op.copy().reset_key()
        chunk_inputs = [op.input.chunks[0]]
        if isinstance(val, TENSOR_TYPE):
        chunk = chunk_op.new_chunk(
            chunk_inputs, shape=out.shape, order=out.order, index=(0,) * out.ndim
        new_op = op.copy()
        return new_op.new_tensors(
            nsplits=((s,) for s in out.shape),

    def _is_tall(x):
        return x.shape[0] > x.shape[1] + 1

    def _split_tall_matrix(a):
        blocksize = a.shape[1] + 1
        n_block = ceildiv(a.shape[0], blocksize)
        return [a[i * blocksize : (i + 1) * blocksize] for i in range(n_block)]

    def tile(cls, op):
        # input tensor must have no unknown chunk shape
        if has_unknown_shape(*op.inputs):

        in_tensor = op.input
        is_in_tensor_tall = cls._is_tall(in_tensor)

        if op.val.ndim > 0:
            val = yield from cls._process_val(op.val, in_tensor, op.wrap)
            val = op.val

        if len(in_tensor.chunks) == 1:
            return cls._tile_one_chunk(op, val)

        if op.input.ndim == 2:
            if op.wrap and is_in_tensor_tall:
                from ..merge import concatenate

                sub_tensors = cls._split_tall_matrix(in_tensor)
                for i, sub_tensor in enumerate(sub_tensors):
                    if val.ndim > 0:
                        sub_val = val[
                            i * sub_tensor.shape[1] : (i + 1) * sub_tensor.shape[1]
                        sub_val = val
                    fill_diagonal(sub_tensor, sub_val, wrap=False)
                out_tensor = concatenate(sub_tensors)
                return [(yield from recursive_tile(out_tensor))]
                return (yield from cls._tile_2d(op, val))
            return (yield from cls._tile_nd(op, val))

    def execute(cls, ctx, op):
        inputs, device_id, xp = as_same_device(
            [ctx[inp.key] for inp in op.inputs], device=op.device, ret_extra=True
        a = inputs[0]
        if len(inputs) == 2:
            val = inputs[1]
            val = op.val

        with device(device_id):
            if not op.k:
                a = a.copy()
                xp.fill_diagonal(a, val, wrap=op.wrap)
                assert a.ndim == 2
                k = op.k or 0
                n_rows, n_cols = a.shape
                if k > 0:
                    n_cols -= k
                elif k < 0:
                    n_rows += k
                n = min(n_rows, n_cols)

                # generate indices
                rows, cols = np.diag_indices(n)
                if k > 0:
                    cols = cols.copy()
                    cols += k
                elif k < 0:
                    rows = rows.copy()
                    rows -= k

                a = a.copy()
                a[rows, cols] = val

            ctx[op.outputs[0].key] = a

[文档]def fill_diagonal(a, val, wrap=False): """Fill the main diagonal of the given tensor of any dimensionality. For a tensor `a` with ``a.ndim >= 2``, the diagonal is the list of locations with indices ``a[i, ..., i]`` all identical. This function modifies the input tensor in-place, it does not return a value. Parameters ---------- a : Tensor, at least 2-D. Tensor whose diagonal is to be filled, it gets modified in-place. val : scalar Value to be written on the diagonal, its type must be compatible with that of the tensor a. wrap : bool For tall matrices in NumPy version up to 1.6.2, the diagonal "wrapped" after N columns. You can have this behavior with this option. This affects only tall matrices. See also -------- diag_indices, diag_indices_from Notes ----- This functionality can be obtained via `diag_indices`, but internally this version uses a much faster implementation that never constructs the indices and uses simple slicing. Examples -------- >>> import mars.tensor as mt >>> a = mt.zeros((3, 3), int) >>> mt.fill_diagonal(a, 5) >>> a.execute() array([[5, 0, 0], [0, 5, 0], [0, 0, 5]]) The same function can operate on a 4-D tensor: >>> a = mt.zeros((3, 3, 3, 3), int) >>> mt.fill_diagonal(a, 4) We only show a few blocks for clarity: >>> a[0, 0].execute() array([[4, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]) >>> a[1, 1].execute() array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 4, 0], [0, 0, 0]]) >>> a[2, 2].execute() array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 4]]) The wrap option affects only tall matrices: >>> # tall matrices no wrap >>> a = mt.zeros((5, 3), int) >>> mt.fill_diagonal(a, 4) >>> a.execute() array([[4, 0, 0], [0, 4, 0], [0, 0, 4], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]) >>> # tall matrices wrap >>> a = mt.zeros((5, 3), int) >>> mt.fill_diagonal(a, 4, wrap=True) >>> a.execute() array([[4, 0, 0], [0, 4, 0], [0, 0, 4], [0, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0]]) >>> # wide matrices >>> a = mt.zeros((3, 5), int) >>> mt.fill_diagonal(a, 4, wrap=True) >>> a.execute() array([[4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 4, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 4, 0, 0]]) The anti-diagonal can be filled by reversing the order of elements using either `numpy.flipud` or `numpy.fliplr`. >>> a = mt.zeros((3, 3), int) >>> mt.fill_diagonal(mt.fliplr(a), [1,2,3]) # Horizontal flip >>> a.execute() array([[0, 0, 1], [0, 2, 0], [3, 0, 0]]) >>> mt.fill_diagonal(mt.flipud(a), [1,2,3]) # Vertical flip >>> a.execute() array([[0, 0, 3], [0, 2, 0], [1, 0, 0]]) Note that the order in which the diagonal is filled varies depending on the flip function. """ if not isinstance(a, Tensor): raise TypeError(f"`a` should be a tensor, got {type(a)}") if a.ndim < 2: raise ValueError("array must be at least 2-d") if a.ndim > 2 and len(set(a.shape)) != 1: raise ValueError("All dimensions of input must be of equal length") # process val if isinstance(val, ENTITY_TYPE): val = astensor(val) if val.ndim > 1: val = val.ravel() val_input = val else: val = np.asarray(val) if val.ndim > 1: val = val.ravel() val_input = None op = TensorFillDiagonal(val=val, wrap=wrap, dtype=a.dtype) t = op(a, val=val_input) a.data = t.data