xorbits._mars.tensor.linalg.solve 源代码

# Copyright 2022-2023 XProbe Inc.
# derived from copyright 1999-2021 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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from ..datasource import tensor as astensor
from .cholesky import cholesky
from .lu import lu
from .solve_triangular import solve_triangular

[文档]def solve(a, b, sym_pos=False, sparse=None): """ Solve the equation ``a x = b`` for ``x``. Parameters ---------- a : (M, M) array_like A square matrix. b : (M,) or (M, N) array_like Right-hand side matrix in ``a x = b``. sym_pos : bool Assume `a` is symmetric and positive definite. If ``True``, use Cholesky decomposition. sparse: bool, optional Return sparse value or not. Returns ------- x : (M,) or (M, N) ndarray Solution to the system ``a x = b``. Shape of the return matches the shape of `b`. Raises ------ LinAlgError If `a` is singular. Examples -------- Given `a` and `b`, solve for `x`: >>> import mars.tensor as mt >>> a = mt.array([[3, 2, 0], [1, -1, 0], [0, 5, 1]]) >>> b = mt.array([2, 4, -1]) >>> x = mt.linalg.solve(a, b) >>> x.execute() array([ 2., -2., 9.]) >>> mt.dot(a, x).execute() # Check the result array([ 2., 4., -1.]) """ a = astensor(a) b = astensor(b) if sym_pos: l_ = cholesky(a, lower=True) u = l_.T else: p, l_, u = lu(a) b = p.T.dot(b) sparse = sparse if sparse is not None else a.issparse() uy = solve_triangular(l_, b, lower=True, sparse=sparse) return solve_triangular(u, uy, sparse=sparse)