xorbits.experimental.dedup 源代码

# Copyright 2022-2023 XProbe Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import hashlib
from functools import partial
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .._mars import opcodes
from .._mars.core import recursive_tile
from .._mars.core.context import Context
from .._mars.core.entity import OutputType
from .._mars.core.operand import ObjectOperand, ObjectOperandMixin, OperandStage
from .._mars.dataframe.operands import DataFrameOperand, DataFrameOperandMixin
from .._mars.dataframe.utils import build_concatenated_rows_frame
from .._mars.serialization.serializables import AnyField
from .._mars.utils import CUnionFind as UnionFind
from ..core.adapter import from_mars, to_mars
from .utils import MERSENNE_PRIME, minhash_embed_func, optimal_param

class DataFrameUnionFind(ObjectOperand, ObjectOperandMixin):
    _output_type_ = OutputType.object
    union_find = AnyField("union_find", default=None)

    def execute(cls, ctx: Union[dict, Context], op: "DataFrameUnionFind"):
        if op.stage == OperandStage.map:
            clusters = ctx[op.inputs[0].key]
            out = op.outputs[0]

            for cluster in clusters:
                if len(cluster) <= 1:

                idx = min(cluster)
                for x in cluster:
                    op.union_find.union_(x, idx)

            ctx[out.key] = op.union_find
        elif op.stage == OperandStage.reduce:
            out = op.outputs[0]

            for i in range(len(op.inputs)):
            ctx[out.key] = op.union_find

class DataFrameDedup(DataFrameOperand, DataFrameOperandMixin):
    _op_type = opcodes.DEDUP

    func = AnyField("func")

    def execute(cls, ctx: Union[dict, Context], op: "DataFrameDedup"):
        input_data = ctx[op.inputs[0].key]
        uf = ctx[op.inputs[1].key]
        out = op.outputs[0]

        ctx[out.key] = input_data[
            input_data["__dedup_id"].map(lambda x: uf.find(x) == x)

    def tile(cls, op: "DataFrameDedup"):
        in_df = build_concatenated_rows_frame(op.inputs[0])
        out_df = op.outputs[0]

        def gen_id_column(df):
            from xoscar._utils import new_random_id

            df["__dedup_id"] = [new_random_id(16) for _ in range(len(df))]

            return df

        new_dtypes = in_df.dtypes.copy()
        new_dtypes["__dedup_id"] = "str"

        in_df_with_id = in_df.map_chunk(
            gen_id_column, output_type="dataframe", dtypes=new_dtypes

        in_df_with_id = yield from recursive_tile(in_df_with_id)
        yield in_df_with_id.chunks

        embedded = in_df_with_id.apply(
            dtypes=pd.Series(["object", "bytes"], index=["__signatures", "__id"]),

        clusters = (
            .groupby("__signatures", sort=False)["__id"]
        tiled_clusters = yield from recursive_tile(clusters)

        # union find stage
        chunks = []
        for c in tiled_clusters.chunks:
            new_op = DataFrameUnionFind(union_find=UnionFind())
            new_op.stage = OperandStage.map

        combine_size = 4
        while len(chunks) > combine_size:  # pragma: no cover
            new_chunks = []
            for i in range(0, len(chunks), combine_size):
                chks = chunks[i : i + combine_size]
                if len(chks) == 1:
                    chk = chks[0]
                    union_op = DataFrameUnionFind(union_find=UnionFind())
                    union_op.stage = OperandStage.reduce
                    for j, c in enumerate(chks):
                        c._index = (j, 0)
                    chk = union_op.new_chunk(chks)
            chunks = new_chunks

        new_op = DataFrameUnionFind(union_find=UnionFind())
        new_op.stage = OperandStage.reduce
        union_chunk = new_op.new_chunk(chunks, index=(0,))
        union_chunk.is_broadcaster = True

        # dedup stage
        dedup_chunks = []
        for c in in_df_with_id.chunks:
            new_shape = c.shape

            new_op = op.copy().reset_key()

                    [c, union_chunk],
                    shape=(np.nan, new_shape[1] - 1),

        new_nsplits = tuple(chunk.shape[0] for chunk in dedup_chunks), (

        new_op = op.copy()
        kw = out_df.params.copy()
        kw.update(dict(chunks=dedup_chunks, nsplits=new_nsplits))

        return new_op.new_tileables(op.inputs, **kw)

    def __call__(self, df: pd.DataFrame):
        return self.new_dataframe([df])

[文档]def dedup( df: pd.DataFrame, col: str, method: str = "minhash", **kws, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Applies deduplication on a DataFrame based on the chosen method. This function provides two methods for deduplication: exact matching and MinHash-based. The exact matching uses md5 hashing for deduplication, while the MinHash-based method utilizes MinHash and MinHashLSH for identifying and removing duplicates based on Jaccard similarity. For the MinHash-based method, it operates by generating hash values for a specified column of the DataFrame, computing similarity between these hash values, and then removing the rows that are determined to be duplicates according to a provided Jaccard similarity threshold. Parameters ---------- df: pd.DataFrame, The DataFrame to deduplicate. col : str The column of the DataFrame on which to calculate hash values. method : str, default "minhash" The method for deduplication. Options include 'exact' and 'minhash'. Additional Parameters for MinHash method ---------------------------------------- threshold : float, default 0.7 The Jaccard similarity threshold to use in the MinHashLSH. num_perm : int, default 128 The number of permutations to use in the MinHash. min_length : int, default 5 The minimum number of tokens to use in the MinHash. Texts shorter than this value will be filtered out. ngrams : int, default 5 The size of ngram to use in the MinHash. seed : int, default 42 The seed for the random number generator. Returns ------- DataFrame The DataFrame after applying the chosen deduplication method. Notes ----- The 'exact' method performs deduplication by hashing each entry in the specified column with md5 and removing duplicates. The 'minhash' method uses a combination of MinHash and MinHashLSH for efficient calculation of Jaccard similarity and identification of duplicates. This process involves hashing text to a finite set of integers (hash values), and then comparing these hash values to find duplicates. The optimal parameters for the number of bands `B` and rows `R` per band are automatically calculated based on the provided similarity threshold and number of permutations, to balance the trade-off between precision and recall. Examples -------- >>> from xorbits.experimental import dedup >>> words = list("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") >>> df = pd.DataFrame( ... { ... "text": [ ... " ".join(["".join(np.random.choice(words, 5)) for i in range(50)]) ... for _ in np.arange(10) ... ] ... * 2, ... } ... ) >>> res = dedup(df, col="text", method="exact") # for 'exact' method >>> res = dedup(df, col="text", method="minhash", threshold=0.8, num_perm=128, min_length=5, ngrams=5, seed=42) # for 'minhash' method """ if method not in ["exact", "minhash"]: raise ValueError("method must be one of 'exact' or 'minhash'") # Check if the DataFrame contains the text column if col not in df.dtypes.index: raise ValueError(f"{col} column not found in the DataFrame") if method == "exact": df = to_mars(df) df["__exact"] = df[col].apply( lambda x: hashlib.md5(x.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() ) df.drop_duplicates(subset=["__exact"], inplace=True).drop( columns=["__exact"], inplace=True ) return from_mars(df) if method == "minhash": threshold = kws.pop("threshold", 0.7) num_perm = kws.pop("num_perm", 128) min_length = kws.pop("min_length", 5) ngrams = kws.pop("ngrams", 5) seed = kws.pop("seed", 42) # Check the threshold type and range if not isinstance(threshold, (float, int)) or not 0 <= threshold <= 1: raise ValueError( f"Expected 'threshold' to be a float between 0 and 1, got {threshold}" ) # Check the num_perm, min_length, ngram and seed type and value for var, var_name in [ (num_perm, "num_perm"), (min_length, "min_length"), (ngrams, "ngrams"), (seed, "seed"), ]: if not isinstance(var, int) or var <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Expected '{var_name}' to be a positive integer, got {var}" ) B, R = optimal_param(threshold, num_perm) HASH_RANGES = [(i * R, (i + 1) * R) for i in range(B)] RNG = np.random.RandomState(seed) PERMUTATIONS = np.array( [ ( RNG.randint(1, MERSENNE_PRIME, dtype=np.uint64), RNG.randint(0, MERSENNE_PRIME, dtype=np.uint64), ) for _ in range(num_perm) ], dtype=np.uint64, ).T func = partial( minhash_embed_func, text=col, num_perm=num_perm, hashranges=HASH_RANGES, ngram_size=ngrams, min_length=min_length, permutations=PERMUTATIONS, ) op = DataFrameDedup(func=func) return from_mars(op(to_mars(df)))