
xorbits.numpy.squeeze(a, axis=None)[source]#

Remove axes of length one from a.

  • a (array_like) – Input data.

  • axis (None or int or tuple of ints, optional) –

    New in version 1.7.0(numpy).

    Selects a subset of the entries of length one in the shape. If an axis is selected with shape entry greater than one, an error is raised.


squeezed – The input array, but with all or a subset of the dimensions of length 1 removed. This is always a itself or a view into a. Note that if all axes are squeezed, the result is a 0d array and not a scalar.

Return type



ValueError – If axis is not None, and an axis being squeezed is not of length 1

See also


The inverse operation, adding entries of length one


Insert, remove, and combine dimensions, and resize existing ones


>>> x = np.array([[[0], [1], [2]]])  
>>> x.shape  
(1, 3, 1)
>>> np.squeeze(x).shape  
>>> np.squeeze(x, axis=0).shape  
(3, 1)
>>> np.squeeze(x, axis=1).shape  
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: cannot select an axis to squeeze out which has size not equal to one
>>> np.squeeze(x, axis=2).shape  
(1, 3)
>>> x = np.array([[1234]])  
>>> x.shape  
(1, 1)
>>> np.squeeze(x)  
array(1234)  # 0d array
>>> np.squeeze(x).shape  
>>> np.squeeze(x)[()]  

This docstring was copied from numpy.