
Series.hist(by=None, ax=None, grid: bool = True, xlabelsize: int | None = None, xrot: float | None = None, ylabelsize: int | None = None, yrot: float | None = None, figsize: tuple[int, int] | None = None, bins: int | Sequence[int] = 10, backend: str | None = None, legend: bool = False, **kwargs)#

Draw histogram of the input series using matplotlib.

  • by (object, optional) – If passed, then used to form histograms for separate groups.

  • ax (matplotlib axis object) – If not passed, uses gca().

  • grid (bool, default True) – Whether to show axis grid lines.

  • xlabelsize (int, default None) – If specified changes the x-axis label size.

  • xrot (float, default None) – Rotation of x axis labels.

  • ylabelsize (int, default None) – If specified changes the y-axis label size.

  • yrot (float, default None) – Rotation of y axis labels.

  • figsize (tuple, default None) – Figure size in inches by default.

  • bins (int or sequence, default 10) – Number of histogram bins to be used. If an integer is given, bins + 1 bin edges are calculated and returned. If bins is a sequence, gives bin edges, including left edge of first bin and right edge of last bin. In this case, bins is returned unmodified.

  • backend (str, default None) – Backend to use instead of the backend specified in the option plotting.backend. For instance, ‘matplotlib’. Alternatively, to specify the plotting.backend for the whole session, set pd.options.plotting.backend.

  • legend (bool, default False) – Whether to show the legend.

  • **kwargs – To be passed to the actual plotting function.


A histogram plot.

Return type


See also


Plot a histogram using matplotlib.


For Series:

(Source code)

For Groupby:

(Source code)


This method has not been implemented yet. Xorbits will try to execute it with pandas.

This docstring was copied from pandas.core.series.Series.